(704) 364-6793

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Experience the Alter-G
Lightening the Load of Rehab
Parker PT doesn’t take physical therapy lightly, but we know when to lighten up. And thanks to our new Alter-G Anti-Gravity Treadmill, our patients now have access to unique, ground-breaking treatment approach that unweights the body, allowing our patients to experience pain-free rehab.

Unique Treatment approach to shorten your rehabilitation time pain-free. Get a ‘lift’ with Alter-G as your therapist unweights you. For patients who have painful conditions that limit their mobility and weight bearing, the Alter-G allows you to not put your life on hold. We can lower your weight with Nasa researched technology to allow the athlete to condition and train, the post-surgery patient to weight bear and begin rehabilitation earlier, shortening their rehabilitation time with better results to promote a comfortable healthy healing and strengthening.
Memberships available for the Alter-G. This cutting edge technology is used at PARKER PHYSICAL THERAPY and has become an integral part of therapy treatment at our Clinic.

Click here to watch the Alter-G in action!
Try the Alter-G
Alter-G The experience is worth a thousand words–See this unique machine in person: Try it Free for 10 minutes First time users only.

The AlterG is already an indispensable part of rehab and conditioning treatment at top facilities, including Johns Hopkins Hospital and National Rehab Hospitals. Pro teams such as the New York Giants and Chicago Bulls are also singing its praises. And locally, our AlterG is already making headlines!

Whether you’re looking for a competitive edge, want to speed up recovery, or need a super-safe means to exercise, the AlterG is must-try technology.

Call (704) 364-6793 to set up an appointment and experience this amazing machine for yourself. Try it yourself for 10 FREE minutes on the AlterG!*
*for first time users only


Dry Needling
Dry Needling is an invasive procedure in which a solid filament needle is inserted into the skin and muscle directly at the myofascial trigger point. A myofascial trigger point consists of multiple contraction knots which are related to production and maintenance of a pain cycle. It is not the same as acupuncture as aspects of traditional Chinese medicine which are based on a metaphysical theory of normalizing energy flow in the body. Dry Needling is a western medical technique based on scientific studies and knowledge.

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